The aim is detection of mental and physical abnormalities and then minimize disability through early intervention
Early Intervention means: Birth to 6 years of age is critical years for the physical growth, health as well as cognitive development and well-being of a child
Unfortunately, the diagnosis of various disabilities among children has been increasing, including those of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Specific Learning Disabilities among several others.
Consequent to the diagnosis by medical authorities, there is an urgent need for such children to be given proper and regular habilitation and rehabilitative care and therapeutic interventions by professionals.
That is what an EIC aims to do

Research has shown that first 1000 days in life of the newborn child are crucial. Capturing risk at early stage and taking appropriate preventive action can eliminate or reduce risk of severe disability in most cases.
According to the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO 2002), the total number of disabled populations in India is approximately 1.85 crores (1.8% of the population), however the actual estimates may be higher.
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE), Government of India has envisioned starting Early Intervention Centers (EICs) for shaping stronger futures for young children with impairments.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to which India is a party has emphasized the importance of EIC.
The aim is detection of mental and physical abnormalities and then minimize disability through early intervention
Early Intervention means: Birth to 6 years of age is critical years for the physical growth, health as well as cognitive development and well-being of a child.
Unfortunately, the diagnosis of various disabilities among children has been increasing, including those of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Specific Learning Disabilities among several others.
Consequent to the diagnosis by medical authorities, there is an urgent need for such children to be given proper and regular habitation and rehabilitative care and therapeutic interventions by professionals. That is what an EIC aims to do.
Goals and Services of an EIC
Screening of Children from
Birth-18 Years for 4D’s
Early Identification of Selected
Health Conditions
Holistic Assessment
Psycho-social Interventions
Manonandana : Rehabilitation Centre for the intellectually challenged and children with multiple disabilities.
The need of the hour is to bring together trained professionals from different disciplines, who had been working in silos so far, in the intervention setting to learn from one another in meeting the needs of the children. The usual concern is the scarcity of such trained persons that have proper qualification recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)/Medical Council of India. The problem is not as such on the supply side of these experts but to connect the supply side to the demand side.
After screening and identification of any of the 4Ds i.e. Defects at Birth, Deficiencies, Diseases and Developmental delays including disabilities, the cases referred to DEIC will be assessed, investigated, evaluated and EI planned and executed in a comprehensive manner. It is envisaged that the DEIC will be equipped with all dedicated health professionals, materials, tools, etc. to execute the activities. Besides this, plans are to be initiated to carry the intervention in the community with effective percolation of the services to the nearest community centre.